Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just for Fun

For the record, I am not endorsing the film The Roommate, primarily because it looks horrendous.  But I did want to point out some of the creative promotional material for this movie. Today, there was and ad for it in the student news paper, disguised as as a roommate wanted ad you might find in the classified section.  Very clever.  They're probably running this ad in about every college news paper in the country (as they should be).

Apparently if you dial the phone number, you'll hear Leighton Meester telling you that she just wants to be your friend.  I don't think I'll be calling up "Rebecca" anytime soon, but if you're curious, go for it.

Then just an hour ago, I found this video on College Humor (again, very smart way to target university students).

"We live in a world where millions of people go every day without touching my shit.  Why can't you be one of them?"  Love it.

So while this movie looks like a cheap rip-off of Single White Female, I'm going to give the film props for two things: A) casting Leighton Meester, one of the cutest and most endearing young actresses in Hollywood, as a deranged killer, and B) creating a unique marketing campaign that almost makes me want to see the movie.  Almost

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